To install these programs download from the venders' website and run with GDebi Package Installer.
- Opera - Fast web browser with many features; my favorite
- Google Chrome - Fast web browser; good for using Google web apps
- Virtualbox - Virtual machine; run Windows or trial other OS's in a Virtual Machine
- TeamViewer - Remote assistance application
- Dropbox - Cloud based storage; up to 2 GB free,
To install these programs run the command from root:
# apt-get install xxxx
- Shutter - Screenshot software
- Inkscape - Vector graphics editor
- Pidgin - Instant messenger, better than Empathy; can connect to multiple services
- Scribus - publishing software, .pdf etc.
- Remmina - Remote desktop software
To install VLC Media player:
Add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
deb wheezy main
Then run these commands:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install deb-multimedia-keyring
# apt-get install vlc